Affirmations for a New Year ~ 01 Jan 2021

It feels so good to write 2021 and not in a futuristic sense. Yep, it’s the dang New Year and it’s time for affirmation. Instead of resolutions, affirmations. Conjure affirmations that feed the soul and is not part of penance for holiday season indulgences or idly cast commitments to carry into the new year. While many might be hesitant to purchase a day planner given the way 2020 turned out and the short term uncertainty of when life might resume some semblance of normal, a look at the inauguration of 2021 might help.

Using the chart of 01 January 2021 at 00:00:01 U.T., the urges impacting the collective at the commencement of this year become clear and ultimately very useful!

Sure, Neptune in Pisces still hovers in a square to the nodal axis, making that whole destiny thing foggy or suffering the hangover of what could not be done in 2020. Still, there are some whopping important things to extract from this 2021 launch chart.

Chiron is in Aries, his second full year in Aries in this particular term. The essence of healing the self continues. It’s simple and difficult actually. Set yourself aside in that symbolic cave and reflect on your attributes. Cultivate them so they are impeccably clear to you. Notice refraction - like the straw in water appearing size-distorted and not aligned with the part that is above the surface. Notice when the straw surfaces, it is not distorted. What of yourself needs to surface or rise up and been seen?

Jupiter and Saturn are now in Aquarius. Think in terms of collective consciousness affirmation. Per Chiron, and other self-referential aspects to follow, indeed this is a grand time for realizing that every good thing you do will be a good thing for the entire planet. By making yourself better, you simultaneously improve the aggregate vibe of the planet even if that is not your intention. How cool is that?

The Sun transits Capricorn as it does every year at this time. Fuel your body’s needs. Get strong and grounded and prepare for that stand you intend to take this year. Represent yourself as competent, credible and formidable, even if in the moment that feels overstated. The aspects below fortify what you feel might be sagging shores.

With Mars in Aries recognize that the year requires your get up and go. Respond smartly to all situations and engage them promptly. No need to over think. If your instincts say it’s a go, gather yourself and all that is required and get on with it. Always be on time. If you’re not fifteen minutes early, you’re late. Respect the space others grant you to be present, pitch and perform.

The Moon in Leo seeks to inspire an air of confidence without bombastic bluster. Consider all the things you know to be personal attributes, skill sets, talents and add to that generally being a good, generous person. Those things are ingrained traits and assets, right? Then act like. Carry them everywhere.

Venus in Sagittarius aligns with the south lunar nodes. Know what you know, whether you learned it within the educational process, life experience, or if you brought it with you into this lifetime. Respect what you know. Respect what others know, even those who you think are off the rails, bat guano crazy. Remember they believe as they do... as do you. Seek not to convert but simply lay out the sequence of how you came to conclusion you carry as truth. Instead of your inner editor, find your inner guru who inexplicably knows what next step serves your destiny best.

Finally, for cultivating New Year’s consciousness confetti, how about that Psyche in Gemini squares Ceres in Pisces? Consider that no one else knows your agenda, your hot buttons, your sharpest skills better that you do. Even if someone else might represent or come to manage your assets and talent arsenal of cool things you know and can do, you remain your own best advocate. For fun, take a week or two and as you lay yourself down to sleep each night, petition your dream state in advance to provide you with self awareness and self revelation that you have not yet recognized in the cogent state. Imagine and dream on into 2021.

Happy New Year (Gregorian style, that is)!